By-Laws (updated May 2024)
Policies (updated January 2025)
The Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick is governed by Private Bill Legislation (Bill 8, Bill 44 & Bill 115) The Act is the constitution of the organization. The Act passed on February 26, 1998, and designates that any person working in the cosmetology industry must hold a valid license with the CANB.On March 26, 2014, the government of New Brunswick passed Bill 44, An Act to Amend an Act Incorporate the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick.
On June 10, 2022, the government of New Brunswick passed Bill 115, An Act to Amend an Act Incorporate the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick.
By-laws are voted on at an Annual Meeting and adopted by the association. Any member can submit a motion to propose, amend or delete any by-law. Motions must be submitted 60 days prior to the annual meeting. Motions can not be detrimental to the Association. The proposed motion is presented to the By-law Committee and if approved forwarded to the Board of Directors for approval, once it has been accepted it is sent to the membership 20 days prior to the annual meeting. Members who submit the proposed by-law must be in attendance to present their position on the motion and they must have a seconder for the motion. If the member is not present the by-law will not be voted on.
Our Mission
The Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick is a professional self-regulatory licensing body for all aspects of the beauty industry. The objects of the Association are to promote and improve the education and training of its members and to maintain efficient and sanitary service and facilities for the public.Under the An Act to Incorporate the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick 1998 and An Act to Amend An Act to Incorporate the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick 2014, we are responsible for our own governance, which is a privilege. All members are required to meet our professional standards and criteria defined by the CANB.