New Health and Dental Benefits Plan  

New Health and Dental Benefits Plan – Launched June 1, 2021 – Over 400 members to date
As a member of the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick, you will have the option to enroll in a new health benefits program designed specifically our members. This affordable, comprehensive health plan is being administered and supported in partnership with Southport Benefit Solutions and Victor Canada.  Canada’s largest not for profit health insurance company, Green Shield Canada is the insurance provider.

Two Plan Options to Choose From

We know you work hard your health and safety is important to us. We also want you and your family to have the protection you need. That’s why there are two great plans to choose from.




Life Insurance



Accidental Death & Dismemberment



Dependent Life

Spouse $5,000/Child $2,500

Spouse $5,000/Child $2,500

Extended Health Care

Prescription Drugs 70% coinsurance

Semi-Private Hospital 100% coverage

Paramedical Practitioners (massage, physio, chiro, etc.) 70% coverage

Annual Maximum $500 per practitioner

Medical and durable equipment, eye exam included 

Prescription Drugs 80% coinsurance

Semi-Private Hospital 100% coverage

Paramedical Practitioners (massage, physio, chiro, etc.) 80% coverage

Annual Maximum $600 per practitioner

Medical and durable equipment

60 Day Emergency Travel Assistance, eye exam included 


Basic Services 70% coverage

1 visit every 9 months

$750 annual maximum

Basic Services 80% coverage

1 visit every 6 months

$1,000 annual maximum


Eye exam once every two years

Contact lenses and glasses are not covered

Eye exam once every two years

Contact lenses and glasses are not covered

Monthly Cost

$124.56/single $297.18/family

$148.39/single $354.54/family

Have questions?

We know you may have questions about the information presented here.  If you still have questions after reading the frequently asked questions section, give Andrew MacDonald or the team at Southport Benefit Solutions a call at 1(877)446-5763 or email They’d be happy to help.

Frequently Asked Questions 

The following are some frequently asked questions that members of the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick may find helpful pertaining to the new benefit program. 

When did the program start?

The Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick new health and dental program launched on June 1, 2021 and the feedback so far has been very positive!  The program is being administered and supported in partnership with Southport Benefit Solutions and Victor Canada.  Canada’s largest not for profit health insurance company, Greenshield Canada, is the insurance provider.

How can I enrol?

 The benefits team at Southport Benefit Solutions will assist all participating members with their enrollment. The process is a 5-10 minute phone call, an email for an e-signature and payment of first month’s premium. The plans start on the 1st of each month .

Are there health questions?

Yes, Effective July 1, 2024  each applicant will have to answer a short health questionnaire. Once that is approved they can join the plan.

Do all benefits start immediately?

Yes, all benefits begin on your enrolment date (the first of each month). There are no waiting periods associated with any of the benefits.

Is this program mandatory for all members?

No, this is an optional program available to all active paying members and fees are not included in your membership dues.

Does this program replace the current member life insurance benefit provided by Medavie Blue Cross?

No, this program does not replace the current member life insurance benefit provided by Medavie Blue Cross as it is part of your annual membership fee.

How do I pay for this program?

A pre-authorized payment program will be established with each member to cover the premium costs based on the plan selected.

What if I have another plan and want to change to this plan?

Should you elect to take advantage of this program, the benefit team at Southport will work with you to cancel existing plans.  Most insurers require 30 days’ notice to terminate benefits.


What happens to benefits if I change workplaces?

Your benefits stay with you! Simply remain a member of the Cosmetology Association of New Brunswick and your participation is secured. 

Please feel free to contact Andrew MacDonald of Southport Benefit Solutions for plan details, pricing and enrollment at 1(877)446-5763 or email at

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